Rebirth of sorts?
So about a year or so ago I set out to actually start a blog of my own. I’m still not entirely sure what it will turn out to be, but since I’m redoing everything, I might as well revamp the old “blog.”
Okay, so I only have what, three entries so far? Still, writing is something that is like therapy for me. I’ll write about anything really. Whatever’s on my mind, if I can put it into words in my own way, I’ll definitely give it a go. So, for the sake of “renewal,” here’s a little snippet about little old me…
My name is Letoya. I’m a mom first, a creative being second, and an all around loyal puppy when it comes to friends and family last. My likes include 3D art composition, drawing anime and manga, writing short stories and poetry. I enjoy listening to music, lately LOTS of K-Pop (It’s catchy and I loved it way before Gangnam Style. Do somethin’!) and stuff from my childhood. God I miss the 80’s and 90’s when music was music and not just regurgitated crap. I’m also an avid/rabid wrestling and ice hockey fan. I played ice hockey for five years and went to wrestling school after that, only to get hurt. I could take the entire WWE Divas division now. They’re not nearly as good as they say they are… okay… Paige is… and Natalya… and I’ll even throw AJ a bone, but that’s it. Okay, and damn it, she’s not quite a Diva yet, but props to Charlotte Flair. My god that girl is amazing!
I bet you’re wondering about the name too. It’s simple… kind of. I played a wrestling game where my character, my “blog mascot” over there, Angelica Grim, used a finishing move called The Aneurysm. Basically, she dropped peeps on their heads before taking them out with a splash from the top rope before then ending the match with a pinfall. (Don’t know the sport, look it up!) Anyway, I’ve always thought of Angelica as my alter ego… my muse if you will. That’s where the first part comes from. The second is a bit more… complicated. I do A LOT of thinking. My brain does not shut off. I suffer from insomnia because of it. That and lately my favorite song is Overdose by EXO(-K or -M… I don’t care. I’m -L. We are one! Look up the fandom. Ha!) and I figured “Hey, I like it. It’s my blog. It’s different. Suck it.” So there’s that.
Did I forget to mention I ramble a lot? I do. Sorry ’bout that a head of time, but that’s what blogs are for right? Better to end this little re-introduction though here before I keep going and end up in that weird place on YouTube that no one likes admitting they’ve been to. Insert giggle here.
That said, forget the past. It’s 2015. It’s a new year. It’s a new blog. I look forward to rambling as much as I possibly can here. I hope you’ll stick around for the ride! 🙂